Runners up in the Best Monitor category are BenQ E2420HD, Dell UltraSharp U2711, Hanns-G HL231DPB, LG Flatron W2353V.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Samsung SyncMaster F2080 wins PC Advisor's Best Monitor
Runners up in the Best Monitor category are BenQ E2420HD, Dell UltraSharp U2711, Hanns-G HL231DPB, LG Flatron W2353V.
Apple iPhone 4 wins PC Advisor's Best Smartphone
Runners up in the best smartphone award are BlackBerry Bold 9700, HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy S, Sony Ericsson Xperia X10.
Egypt restores links to internet
The home pages of Vodafone Egypt and Etisalat, two of the country's largest telecommunications carriers, were first to appear at around 9:30am today. Shortly after, the websites of Orascom Telecom and the Egyptian Stock Exchange reappeared.
The website of the Egyptian Parliament is also now accessible outside Egypt, but does not appear to have been updated since January 24.
Almost as soon as connectivity returned, Egyptians logged on to social networks.
"This is my first tweet after Internet is back in #Egypt. Long live freedom :)," said user Hany Fakhry on Twitter .
Some began uploading pictures and video they'd taken of the protests.
"I don't know for how long this will last. I'm uploading pix now to my flickr," said Twitter user 'Hossam', whose profile describes him as a social journalist. The photos, apparently taken over the last few days, provide a glimpse of the protests that have occupied Cairo's streets.
Egypt was largely cut off from the internet on Friday, January 28, as protests against the rule of Hosni Mubarak began to gather steam. The demonstrations, Egypt's worst social unrest in 30 years, continue and thousands remain Cairo's Tahrir Square demanding Mubarak's resignation.
Few countries have ever attempted large-scale Internet blackouts, and none has done so on the scale of Egypt.
In 2009 China cut Internet service to Xinjiang province for 10 months after ethnic riots killed 140 people. Civil unrest pushed the government in Burma to cut Internet links there in 2007, but they were restored a couple of weeks later. In both countries, the number of people affected was relatively small because of low Internet penetration in the regions.
One person that doesn't appear to have this connection back is Mubarak. The website of the Egyptian presidency remains unreachable as of time of writing.
High-end PC makers respond to Sandy Bridge recall
Creative pros using power-hungry applications such as Photoshop, After Effects, Maya or Nuke are usually among the first to jump on any new processors, as these applications often see the greatest improvement from their bolstered performance. However, in this case, it means that they're the most likely to have already purchased Sandy Bridge workstations. The systems currently affected are from specialised vendors - Apple, Dell, HP and Lenovo currently don't offer Sandy Bridge processors in shipping workstations.
Tom Green from InterPro says that the flaw will affect "those that have more than 2x SATA devices. We’re only using the SATA-III ports where possible, which are unaffected. Customers whose systems only have one SATA-III HDD and one Optical drive will never see the issue if the secondary SATA controller is disabled in the BIOS.
"For those customers that request one, and those that have more than two SATA devices, we’re offering a free PCI SATA controller to offload some of the work and ensure people have the correct number of available SATA ports for full peace of mind and future expansion."
The company has also released a statement on its website.
Dan Goldsmith from Armari told us that they are in the process who contacting all customers who have received such systems - or have ordered them - and are offering a choice of replacement options. Customers can have an engineer come out and fit a third-party SATA PCI adaptor, and when replacement motherboards are available - which is expected to be April - Armari will send out an engineer to replace the motherboard. This will all be free of charge, and the workstation's warranty will be 'reset' to begin when the motherboard is replaced.
Buyers cab also "choose to have an Socket 1156 Core i5/i7-based motherboard and processor at the same price or upgrade to the Socket 1366 Core i7 and pay the difference," says Goldsmith. "If the customer chooses this option, there will be no free upgrade available to the fixed Sandy bridge platform later. Again we will reset the customers warranty to start from the date the system is returned back to the customer."
Armari is also offering a full refund, though Goldsmith says that buyers need to notify them within seven days of being informed to do this.
Google Chrome hits 10% market share
Chrome, which has added 5.5 percentage points in the last year, gained just over seven-tenths of a point in January to end the month with 10.7 percent of the global browser market.
Meanwhile, Safari piggybacked on a boost in Mac usage - last month Apple's Mac OS X desktop operating system posted its largest gain since September 2009 - to climb four-tenths of a percentage point to 6.3 percent. Safari's January increase was the largest one-month jump since Net Applications began compiling browser statistics.
When one browser advances, another has to retreat. So it's no surprise that the long-running trend of IE's decline continued last month.
IE lost over a point to end January with a 56 percent share, a new low. IE has lost six points in the past year, with only two months of gains during that time.
"We're seeing the trend [of IE's decline] continue, but where once the growth went to Firefox, now it goes to Chrome and Safari," said Vince Vizzaccaro, vice president of marketing at Net Applications.
Mozilla's Firefox remained flat in January, accounting for 22.8 percent of all browsers used during the month. The open-source developer plans to ship the next major upgrade, Firefox 4, this month, which may reinvigorate its once-regular share gains.
Both Microsoft and Vizzaccaro called out IE8, the 2009 browser that now holds a 34.2 percent share, for continuing to grow its share. "IE8 has had a great impact, and IE9 shows some promise," said Vizzaccaro, who said he uses IE9's beta and found it "phenomenal." He wasn't sure that either IE8 or IE9 would turn Microsoft's fortunes around, however.
IE9, which launched as a public beta last September, is slated to ship this quarter. Microsoft has also issued invitations to an event next week in San Francisco, where most expect the company to announce the release candidate, or RC, build of the browser - the last major step before work is wrapped up.
IE9 now holds half a percentage point of the market, about the same as did IE8 six months before it officially launched. Microsoft said that 23 million copies of IE9's beta have been downloaded in the last five months.
Microsoft also continued to tout the continued decline of IE6, the 2001-era browser that shipped with Windows XP the same year.
"We've been talking for awhile now about getting IE6 down to zero," said Roger Capriotti, the director of IE product marketing, in a video clip posted to the browser's blog . "Obviously it takes time to do that, but the trajectory looks great."
IE6 fell to 11.4 percent in January, a drop of 1.6 percentage points, its largest decline since August 2009. The newer IE7 fell half a point to 8.3 percent.
But Microsoft has historically been unable to retain all the users who ditched older editions. At the pace over the last 12 months, IE will become a minority browser by this time next year, Vizzaccaro said. "Microsoft is 10 to 12 months away from worrying about that," he said.
The timetable is tighter if the accelerated pace of the last three months is an indicator. In the last 90 days, IE has lost 3.2 points, which if sustained would push the browser under the 50 percent mark this July.
Net Applications also noted that Apple's iOS operating system climbed above two percent for the first time, showing that fears of iPad and iPhone cannibalisation of Mac desktops and laptops may be unfounded.
"Clearly, iOS and Mac OS can co-exist," said Vizzaccaro.
Net Applications calculates browser usage share from data acquired from the 160 million unique visitors who browse approximately 40,000 websites it monitors for clients.
Tablet dengan OS Intel Meego
Intel telah berinvestasi cukup besar untuk pengembangan Meego, yang merupakan system operasi Linux ringan untuk tablet, smarphone dan perangkat embedded. Meego sejauh ini belum ditawarkan oleh produsen netbook dan tablet manapun.
Seorang pejabat Intel menolak berbicara mengenai kapan tablet dan netbook berbasis Meego diluncurkan dengan menyatakan, tidak ada keterangan dari perusahaan mengenai pengumuman produk. Namun demikian, Asustek Computer dan Acer sebelumnya telah menyuarakan dukungannya terhadap Meego.
Meego awalnya diumumkan oleh Intel dan Nokia pada bulan Februari tahun lalu, OS merupakan kolaborasi antara OS Intel Moblin dan Nokia Maemo dan pengembangannya kini ditangani oleh The Linux Foundation.
OS Meego akan memperebutkan pangsa pasar beberapa system operasi tablet, bersaing dengan Google Android dan Apple iOS. Canonical sebelumnya juga pernah menyatakan, akan mluncurkan versi Ubuntu untuk tablet.
Komputer Harus Didesain Ulang Secara Radikal
Seorang peneliti dari Universitas Maryland berpendapat, penggunaan prosesor multicore yang marak di industri IT perlu pemikiran baru yang radikal untuk merancang ulang arsitektur komputer yang telah digunakan selama lebih dari 50 tahun.
Uzi Vishkin, seorang profesor di Universitas Maryland Institute untuk studi computer advanced menyatakan, pergeseran yang terjadi secara dramatis dari system komputer prosesor tunggal menjadi parallel dengan banyak prosesor, memerlukan pembaruan dalam ilmu computer untuk membangun dan memprogram sistem baru.
Vishkin bahkan menawarkan abstraksi arsitektur baru yang ia sebut ICE (Immediate Concurrent Execution), yang dikembangkan dengan dana berasal dari US National Science Foundation.
Arsitektur dasar komputer yang kini digunakan, berbasis pada konsep yang diajukan oleh ahli matematika bernama John Von Neumann pada tahun 1940. Pada arsitektur ini, data dan program disimpan dalam memori komputer kemudian diumpankan pada CPU. Program dieksekusi menggunakan counter program, dengan memasok CPU alamat dan instruksi berikutnya dari memori untuk dieksekusi.
Pendekatan ini disebut Vishkin dengan komputasi serial, yang memiliki keterbatasan hanya memungkinkan satu instruksi dieksekusi dalam satu waktu. Vishkin berpendapat, batas ini harusnya sudah hilang di zaman prosesor multicore dengan memory tersedia dalam jumlah besar. Sebaliknya, beberapa instruksi harus dapat dilaksanakan lebih cepat secara paralel, semua pada waktu yang sama dan dalam satu langkah.
Alternatif dari Vishkin berbeda dari arsitektur Von Neumann yang memungkinkan sejumlah instruksi tak terbatas dapat dieksekusi pada saat bersamaan, yang sangat bermanfaat dalam penyederhanaan masalah bagi programer.
Vishkin menyatakan, diperlukan perubahan dalam desain hardware agar pendekatan baru dapat beroperasi. Prosesor harus memiliki bandwith tinggi, serta jalur dengan low-latency antara prosesor dan memory. Hardware harus memiliki core prosesor tunggal untuk mengendalikan seluruh core lain. Kode serial dapat dieksekusi oleh core prosesor dan bila terdapat instruksi tambahan, prosesor utama dapat menyebar instruksi pada core yang lain.
Vishkin memiliki enam paten teknologi dan tim peneliti telah membangun prototipe hadware untuk menjalankan abstraksi ICE.
Microsoft Optimis Masa Depan Tablet Milik Mereka
Microsoft saat ini bermitra dengan Intel untuk menggelar lebih dari 10 tablet Windows tahun ini. Jenis tablet mirip seperti HP Slate 500 yang kini telah tersedia dan masih menggunakan system operasi Windows 7.
Tablet Windows menawarkan kompatabilitas terhadap beberapa file yang tidak diperoleh pada tablet lain dan diharapkan memiliki daya tahan baterai yang lebih baik. SoCs Intel Atom yang ada masih kurang efisien bila dibandingkan SoCs ARM yang digunakan oleh tablet pesaing.
Microsoft berencana mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan merangkul ARM dan merilis versi Windows yang sesuai untuk tablet. Steve Ballmer Chief Executive Microsoft mengumumkan pada CES 2011, Windows 8 akan mendukung prosesor ARM dan akan dibangun agar fungsi sentuh pada tablet menjadi lebih sempurna. Sayangnya, Windows 8 kemungkinan baru siap paling cepat tahun 2012.
Laporkan terbaru menyebutkan, bila bentuk tablet masuk dalam kategori pangsa pasar PC, akan menempatkan Apple pada peringkat kedua dengan melewati Dell, dalam daftar penjualan PC terbanyak didunia.
Intel Temukan Cacat Pada Desain Sandy Bridge
Chipset yang cacat digunakan pada PC dengan prosesor core generasi baru berbasis arsitektur Sandy Bridge, yang diperkenalkan bulan lalu pada Consumer Electronic Show. Intel telah menghentikan pengiriman chipset yang terkena dampak dan menyatakan, bahwa masalah pada disain sudah teratasi.
Intel menemukan masalah pada desain chipset seri 6 dengan nama sandi Cougar Point yang pengirimannya dimulai pada 9 Januari, serta digunakan pada sistem dengan prosesor Sandy Bridge. Intel menyatakan, port serial ATA (SATA) di dalam chipset dapat menurun dalam jangka waktu tertentu, yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja atau fungsi dari perangkat penyimpanan seperti hardisk.
Steve Smith wakil president Intel menyatakan, eror pada bit-rate selama data transfer merupakan gejala kerusakan chipset. PC tidak akan mengalami kegagalan dengan segera, namun tansfer data secara agresif yang dilakukan sepanjang waktu dapat menyebabkan lebih banyak eror.
Prosesor Sandy Bride tidak terpengaruh oleh kesalahan desain, seperti ditegaskan Intel. Namun, pelanggan yang membeli sistem dengan prosesor Core i5 dan Core i7 quad core bisa terkena dampak oleh masalah chipset dan Intel yakin, konsumen yang terkena dampak relatif sedikit.
Intel menyatakan, konsumen dapat terus menggunakan sistem yang mereka miliki seperti biasa dan sebagai produsen chip, akan bekerja sama dengan mitra untuk memberikan solusi terbaik.
LG Ungkap Smartphone 3D di MWC
Ponsel disebut-sebut LG sebagai yang tercanggih saat ini, dan akan hadir dengan kamera lensa ganda untuk menghasilkan rekaman 3D serta memiliki panel LCD untuk melihat ilusi 3D tanpa kacamata.
LG dalam pernyataan singkatnya menyatakan, pemilik ponsel dapat memperlihatkan konten diponsel kepada orang lain menggunakan HDMI atau DLNA untuk menghubungkannya dengan layar eksternal maupun perangkat lain.
Perusahaan tidak memberikan spesifikasi teknis lain, seperti ukuran layar. Namun pada ajang CES bulan Januari kemarin, perusahaan memperkenalkan layar 3D 4.3 inci tanpa kacamata khusus untuk perangkat selular. Layar memiliki resolusi 480x800 pixel dan dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan di smartphone yang dirancang untuk game dan film.
LG mulai meningkatkan agresi mereka ke pasar smartphone dengan selalu mencoba menjadi ujung tombak dalam teknologi hardware baru. Pada bulan Desember perusahaan ini mengumumkan Optimus 2X, smartphone yang menjalankan Android menggunakan prosesor dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 dengan kemampuan memutar dan merekam video HD 1080p.
Pada tahun ini 3D diharapkan menjadi salah satu trend smartphone di Mobile World Congress, tren lain termasuk diantaranya prosesor dual-core, Near-Field Communication (NFC) dan koneksi mobile internet yang lebih cepat. Layar juga semakin besar dengan disain ponsel yang makin tipis.